2000 Pavie Macquin 12/75cl owc
2000 Pavie Macquin 12/75cl owc
2000 Pavie Macquin 12/75cl owc
2000 Pavie Macquin 12/75cl owc
2000 Pavie Macquin 12/75cl owc

Bordeaux red

2000 Pavie Macquin 12/75cl owc

Additional Information

All prices exclude UK duty and VAT.

Please note:

If you wish to keep your wine in bond you must have an account at an approved bonded warehouse in order to complete your order. 

If you do not have a bonded warehouse Excise Tax and VAT will be added to the price of the wine at checkout

IN ORDER TO BUY PLEASE CONTACT michael@mmorgan.co.uk

Additional Information

All prices exclude UK duty and VAT.

Please note:

If you wish to keep your wine in bond you must have an account at an approved bonded warehouse in order to complete your order. 

If you do not have a bonded warehouse Excise Tax and VAT will be added to the price of the wine at checkout

Please contact us if you are interested in this product.

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